At Gerantis, we invest strategically in digital innovation. Not just for our own network of offices but for the sector as a whole. The property manager and steward professions are in a state of transformation.
For property managers
With Syndesk and Syndixis, we have the most specialised software packages for professional or non-professional property managers on hand. Our users always have an advantage because we are continuously developing these platforms. We unite property managers and rent collectors with our software professionals in user groups. This helps us identify bottlenecks and develop real solutions for optimal property management.
Syndesk has been innovating the digitisation of property management since 2010. More than ten thousand co-ownerships are currently managed with it.
Syndesk differentiates itself in the market by maximising the automation of all aspects of the property manager profession. Property managers and rent collectors praise the software package because it manages complex processes with a single click.
‘Syndesk has made our administrative management much easier. One package combines different data, accounting, diary management and task distribution and links them together automatically. The software is updated regularly, and the personal contact with the team is pleasant.’
Syndixis has been making property managers’ complex range of duties manageable since 2007. The software solution offers financial, administrative and technical management in one package. User-friendliness, customer and supplier orientation - that’s what Syndixis is all about. The latest version, Syndixis Vision, was made to collaborate with the Dobby app. Communication with co-owners flows directly from one platform to another. This way, correct action can be taken more swiftly.
‘Syndixis provides us with a complete and user-friendly software solution for every aspect of property management. It gives us more time for personal contact with our customers, and integration with Dobby ensures that we reach them more quickly.’
For stewards
Flexibility and user-friendliness. Also in our software package for private property management.
Rentalis has been working with a number of experienced stewards to identify bottlenecks in their range of duties and develop appropriate solutions since 2007. The result is a package with an integrated website for each owner. One system for accounting and technical, financial and data management. This way, the owner always has access to the necessary information, tasks are closely monitored and there is a solid basis for the financial planning related to the property.
For owners/co-owners
Dobby integrates all our software platforms for property managers and stewards. With this online assistant, co-owners can easily monitor the management of their property and stay in touch with their property manager in a more convenient manner. Dobby is available as an app or via the internet, and it replaces the old owner’s network. Co-owners can use Dobby to monitor the progress of renovations, report damage, consult invoices or share documents, etc. Dobby also facilitates hybrid meetings so that co-owners can vote digitally, even from a distance. With Dobby, they always have their property manager or steward in their pocket.
‘Dobby offers transparency and speed. A decision about whether or not to install three charging stations in the garage? We ask the question through Dobby and quickly get a clear answer from the owners.’
Are you also enthusiastic about technology? We would like to talk to you.
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